What Do I Watch Now?!
Fans of several sports around the world are currently looking for new sports to watch. It comes after many sporting organisations, teams, and players have come out in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Even NASCAR fans are looking for a new sport to watch after they banned the flag of the confederacy, how dare they not let these people remember their ancestors as they eat hot dogs and get blackout drunk while cars drive round in circles for an hour. I can only empathise with these people. Now that sports are starting to care about the injustices in the world, how are these fans going to escape the crushing reality of their mundane lives. If they don’t choose another sport, the only other option available will be speaking to their wives and picking out new curtains for the recently painted living room. We spoke to one NASCAR fan who had this to say: "It's an outrage, but I've made my decision. I'm going to watch Quiditch. Yeah that Harry is a good man, and I ...